Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Major transitions in human evolution

Discussion meeting issue ‘Major transitions in human evolution’ 
organized and edited by Robert A. Foley, Lawrence Martin, Marta 
Mirazón Lahr and Chris Stringer 

There is a long history for human 'origins', but not only are such 
origins elusive, they are also an illusion, as in evolution new 
features arise as transformations from existing ones. The rich human 
palaeoanthropological record shows an unexpectedly complex pattern in 
the tempo and mode of human evolution. 

This theme issue focuses on key evolutionary transitions to understand 
the interaction of biology, behaviour, culture and environment. This 
issue is dedicated to Richard Leakey, whose critical discoveries have 
provided evidence for many of the key phases, and who has inspired 
much of the work discussed here. http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/371/1698 https://theconversation.com/no-giant-leap-for-mankind-why-weve-been-looking-at-human-evolution-in-the-wrong-way-60935


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