Saturday, May 18, 2019

New Question on Denisovan Hybrids

Joseph Layden
Joseph Layden

I do have papers with a great deal of evidence and citations. I have not seen much use of citations on quora and do not think the average reader expects an academic paper as an answer. If they find one, it might bore them to tears.
Which specific claim would you like citations for?
I am a prehistoric fiction writer who wants to still be correct 200 years from now. If I did not use Occam’s Razor and common sense, I would be as behind as mainstream academia.
Because I am not afraid to extrapolate the obvious truth from the evidence at hand, I have been able to predict a multitude of scientific discoveries about prehistory.
For instance, when I saw the genetic evidence concerning Denisovans over 5 years ago I immediately said that it was a hybrid of at least three species. Just last month, that fact made headlines. Is that the citation you need?
Another example: I was criticized for 20 years by academics who insisted that Neanderthals had never mated with Homo sapiens. The evidence was there and was obvious long before academia excepted it due to DNA m. I’m not the only one who used common sense to determine that.
In the 80s, Stan Gooch compiled a mass of evidence from anthropology and archaeology to show that we bred with them, that there were as yet undiscovered sister-species to Neanderthal(Denisovan,etc, though he had his own names for them), and that Archaics survived into the Neolithic to influence our myth and folk lore.
He was removed from Academia for his unpopular theories and died in a trailer park.
Since then, all of his most important theories have been proven true by New fossils and genetics.
I am more concerned with being correct a hundred years from now, in order to avoid the obsoleteness of books like Clan of the Cave Bear, than I am with fitting into slow academia. Clan was a great book, but Aule assumed like most modern researchers that we were superior to our Archaic brothers.. This is not the case at all. We are good at making babies. The generalist in the middle zone can mate with all niche subspecies, and climate change/catastrophe favored our genetic make-up. We were not smarter, we were not superior in any way, we could not throw spears or slings better, and we weren’t more technologically advanced (for the majority of our shared existence at least, although some Neanderthal hybrids did outdo Neanderthals by the end of the Late Paleolithic).
Modern humans have no need for estrus, so we multiply like rabbits. Even so, only Homo Sapiens with Archaic introgression survived the Neolithic revolution. We have genetic evidence of pure populations from the fossil record. Non hybrid Homo Sapiens Went extinct, just like Neanderthals and Denisovans. There’s not a single pure Homo Sapien on this planet, though they were once ubiquitous in the Southern Hemisphere.
The first burials, chemical fires, religious rites, super-glue, megaliths, carvings, and cave paintings now go to Neanderthal, not Homo Sapien. Stan and I could have told you that in 1990

Here is A Discovery article released last month. They just caught up with what I’ve been saying about Denisovans for at least 5 years. Please let me know if you have questions about my other claims.


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