Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Unnamed Bears Favor is Now Live and in Book Stores!

At long last, my new Young Adult Speculative Fiction Novel is now live!

This is the first time I get to share with the public a type of Prehistoric Fiction as strange and alien to modern life as a work of Epic Fantasy or Sword and Sorcery, so I'm super excited about the release.

I've been studying for over 25 years (and waiting for a certain theories to be proven true) in order to start publishing this type of novel. 

Vindication for Fantasy Fans, Geneticists, and Paleontologists alike--our prehistoric world rivals the worlds of fantasy and science fiction!

In the 20th Century, man tried to prove myth with science. In the 21st Ceentury, science has proven myth whether man likes it or not...

The Unnamed Bears Favor
from Aurelio Leo Publishing
 by J. Lyon Layden 

"A horn grew from the woman's forehead--something like a rhino's, but much smaller and darker in hue."

Mythical China, 9000 B.C.E. A nameless outcast is summoned by the village priestess to undergo his initiation into the Rik-Sika, a band of hunter-assassins. To earn his place, he must travel with them to the ruins of his people's stronghold, which sits on a plateau near the roof of the world. On the perilous journey, he encounters restless ghosts, monstrous devil-bears, and the dreaded ogres who rule the mountains. Faced with unimaginable odds, the unnamed boy discovers his true name and with it, a powerful secret buried by his ancestors long ago. 

Armed with a dark and powerful knowledge but burdened by its weight, the boy must choose between his own life and the fate of the tribe.

It's $2.99 in ebook form, $9.99 in Paperback.
Don't have a Kindle or e-reader? Don't worry! There's a FREE app for any device right here on the Amazon page, just below the price:

Buy It on Amazon!


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