Thursday, June 22, 2017

Upper/lower limb proportions across hominoids

See nice chart

This brings out the enormous morphological changes
inherent in obligate bipedalism.

An irony to be noted is that even though bipedalism
brought about a huge relocation of muscle mass from
upper to lower limbs, the bipedal animal is far slower
on the ground than the quadrupedal ones.

It should (but it won't) provide a pause for thought
among those who believe that the transition to the
bipedal state was easy, or could have occurred
gradually.   And even more so for that band who
prefer to think that gibbons were (or are) bipedal in
any significant sense, and that they were the direct
ancestors of the hominin taxon.

Note also how, in the introductory paragraph, Zihlman
and Bolter unthinkingly assume the 'savanna hypothesis'

" . . . This study presents unique quantitative data on major body components of muscle, bone, skin, and fat of 13 bonobos (Pan paniscus) for interpreting evolutionary forces that have shaped the human form for survival in a savanna mosaic environment. . . "

Thanks Paul.!topic/sci.anthropology.paleo/0MMnDhh-8n4


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